THE DOCTOR FROM INDIA – movie premiere with Vasant Lad md on 31.07.2018 at filmkunst66 in Berlin
THE DOCTOR FROM INDIA tells fascinating story of a man who brought Ayurveda, the ancient Indian healing art, to the West. This haunting portrait brings conversations with Deepak Chopra MD, among others, and documents the life and work of DR. VASANT LAD. www.derdoktorausindien.de

Spelt fruit loaf with self-made baking powder
From Nuremberg, the city that has known fruit loafs since the Middle Ages, comes this quick yeast-free recipe. Try it out.

Three grain bread
This is very rich bread. It is made not only of spelt, the favorite grain of St. Hildegard von Bingen, and rye, a bread grain par excellence, but especially the oats and other ingredients.

Pumpkin bread
Pumpkins in all its varieties, colors and shapes are the autumn staple, inviting us by hundreds of delicious preparation variations.

Simply be happy

About Nutrition

The false „I“

Social Commitment: COSMOVEDA supports Inclusionscamp at Wurzel-Festival 2017
The „Zurück zu den Wurzeln“ hands-on festival, which took place on June 8th to 11th, 2017, for the third time brought together people of all colors, beliefs and identities at a 220,000 square meter festival site in Niedergörsdorf, Brandenburg.

Cooking Course with Volker Mehl „Ayurveda for Beginners“
For existing and future lovers of the wonderful ayurvedic cuisine, the cooking classes with Volker Mehl are a must! What is the essence of Ayurveda and how can be integrated into your everyday life? Volker’s course will address all these questions in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere!

The great Ayurveda Cookbook
Depending on the constitution and lifestyle, each person needs individually tailored diet. Result of that practice will be all around wellbeing.